eBay Listing Profiles
eBay Listing Profiles
OpenBay Pro > eBay > Dashboard (Profiles)
When you create a new eBay listing, a lot of information can be pre-set for you, such as payment, shipping, returns and template settings. You can change any of the pre-set information before you list the item.
Please see the following video tutorial on how to create an eBay listing profile.
Default listing information
Some default information such as payments and listing duration can be set from OpenBay Pro > eBay > Settings, Listing defaults tab.
Accessing your profiles
You can access your eBay Listing profiles by navigating to OpenBay Pro > eBay > Dashboard, Profiles, where you will see all of your current profiles. Your default profile, which is loaded automatically, will be labelled [default].
Creating a profile
Select the required profile type from the drop-down list (Shipping, Returns, etc) and click Add New.
On the General tab, you can give the profile a unique description and name that will help you identify the settings. If you want this to be your default profile of this type, tick the Default box. Click the other tab(s) on the form and complete your profile requirements. See the relevant section below for more information on the different profile options.
You can create unlimited eBay listing profiles allowing you to cover multiple cases where different settings are required.
Editing a profile
Find the profile you want to edit and click the blue Edit. After making the required changes, click Save.
Deleting a profile
Find the profile you want to delete and click the red Delete button.
Shipping Profiles
The default postcode is the location of the items postcode/zip. Select the dispatch time If you do not want to add shipping costs and you have described the costs in the description. Tick the freight info in the description option. This is available for eBay US, UK, AU and CA only or you can add your shipping costs for national and international options. With the international option, you can also specify the countries the shipping option applies to.
Returns Profiles
Under the Return Policy describe your companies return policy. Please remember that your own country may have its own legal requirements for long-distance selling. You should check your countries requirements.
Template & Gallery Profiles
Gallery images that are inserted into your template require size in pixels, and this is the same for the thumbnail images. Supersize and gallery plus are eBay feature - these will incur an additional listing fee on eBay. Add all images will pre-select all images for eBay or your template. Adding more images to eBay will incur more listing fees.
General Settings Profiles
The Price % modification will allow you to reduce or increase your listing prices on eBay by a percentage. For example, entering -10 will reduce the price the listing will be on eBay by 10%, and 10 will increase the price by 10%. Please note that this option is only used with the Bulk Upload feature.
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